Table of Contents




During the winter semester 2008, we first based the Ersti-brochure heavily on a template 1) of the BCE's, but we just had that as a PDF, so we were only able to copy the text from there.

Eventually the first Ersti-brochure came to be, after nobody took care of anything for 2 months, as a cloak-and-dagger operation with the help of LaTeX, shining new Uni copy machines and the Astro-group's stapler.




We worked on the brochure from 2012 and made the following adjustments:

ChangeLog Esti brochure 2013


During the losed meeting we continued working on basis of the .tex file and now the actualized version is available. So far it's only Utf8-coded, which turns out to be bothersome when working with the TexnicCenter. If anybody feels a calling to do so, please add latin1-coding.

Ersti brochure


In lack of a good template from a comparable brochure, the LaTeX-Header came to be as a melange of primarily the LaTeX Companion 2) and a few web pages.


and for desperates without UTF-8 support (like you TeXnicCenter-users appareantly) one Latin1 coded version: Ersti

Each chapter is loated in a seperate file (allgemeines.tex, studiengang.tex, privilegien.tex, ansprechpartner.tex, verwaltung.tex und sonstiges.tex), that were all bound in from the main part Brochure.tex .

There's a new list environment verantw, which is used for contact data:

eMail: \email{} \\
Webseite: \url{}

In this example you can already see the introduced function \email, which automatically links the email adresses.

We also wrote the date flyer in TeX: flyer.tex

From the screen into the brochure

The brand? DIY

After translating the PDF you, in order to properly copy it, have to reorganize it into a booklet format. For this i used a program called jPDFTweak. In the programs shuffle pages register card you can find many presets for booklets (which one's the right one is something I'd have to figure out again too).

Have fun stapling!

The easy, but timely planned way

You could also give a heads up to the AVZ and give them a copy task. This takes a week in advance, which we didn't have.

If you need that send me a mail
which i can pass on as a djvu document