This is an old revision of the document!

Frequent questions - Our FAQ

Your question hasn't been answered here? Then go ask your FSR and we'll try to solve it.

This page is currently under construction, but hopefully we'll be done soon! :-)

<spoiler> The study regulation sets the general conditions and regulations for a regular study. This includes for example the regular study time, structure of the course etc.


<spoiler> The study consultants are the official contact people for each institute. You can ask them organizational questions specifically concerning your major. They often have office hours, but you can also reach them via Email.

Here you'll find an overview of study consulting for mathematics.

Here you'll find an overview of study consulting for physics.

  • For the one-course Bachelor/Master or an expiring diploma or magister, Dr. Horst Gebert und Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer (only for Masters) are responsible.
  • For physics in the teaching-related Bachelor/Master, Dr. Harry Weigt is responsible. Here you'll have to make an appointment via Email.
  • For the Astrophysics Master, Prof. Dr. Philipp Richter is responsible. Here you'll have to make an appointment via Email.


<spoiler> For this we recommend talking to the Course consultants, who can explain to you precisely how you should go about planning your major now. </spoiler>

<spoiler> To prepare for a major in maths or physics, you best take a long vacation. Really enjoy your free time! Soon you won't have much of that anymore. We recommend partaking in the maths bridge courses (1 or 2 weeks before the start of the winter semester), there you'll repeat some basics from school and everybody should be brought to approximately the same level. It's also helpful to have taken the advanced courses in maths and physics in highschool, but it's not necessary!

A solid basic or advanced highschool physics course will at least take the pressure off in experimental physics a bit. The numeracy skills acquired in a maths course of the same manner will also prove themselves very useful. </spoiler>

<spoiler> Child benefit for students from the Student Union Potsdam.

<blockquote>The Student Union Potsdam gives out, for children of students in their jurisdiction born after the 1st of september 2016, 200 euros once. For children born up to the 31st of august 2016 it's 100 euros. The pre-condition is the matriculation of one parent at one of the five highschools in the jurisdiction at the time of birth of the child/ the children. - Studentenwerk Potsdam</blockquote>

Coordination bureau for chance equality
On the page of the Koordinationsbüro für Chancengleichheit you'll find a lot of information on this.
Furthermore you'll find intel on:


<spoiler> For studying, being able to access the internet from your own laptop or phone is obviously useful. How to best set up internet access can be found on the Homepage of the ZIM. They have instructions for all kinds of operating systems.
You can also log into the eduroam-network, there are instructions for that too. Via eduroam (education roaming) you can log into the eduroam-Wifi in locations of all organizations partaking (that's most universities in germany). </spoiler>

<spoiler> Email forwarding It's important to open your emails from your uni account, since you'll also find official mail from the library, the PULS system and your lecturers there.

  • Person logs into
  • Person clicks on webmail
  • Person clicks on filter
  • Person clicks on forwarding
  • Person states Email adress that other emails shall be forwarded to automatically
  • Done

In case that doesn't work, look at the ZIM website. There you'll find elaborate instructions. </spoiler>

<spoiler> A vpn-account is useful, since with that you can virtually access other networks from inside the network of the Uni Potsdam. In particular, you can download e-books of the Uni via the library without actually being there.

About installing:
Follow the great instructions here: , related to your operating system. </spoiler>

<spoiler> Software licenses via the Uni-Potsdam
This informational page is still in the works:

Licenses via the institute of physics
Mathematica 8
The physics insitute has a license for the computer algebra system Mathematica, with which you can solve a plethora of mathematical problems. For further information contact Dr. Oliver Henneberg

The physics insitute has the means to offer network-independant home-use-licenses for the most current version of the plot program Origin to students. With that you have a one-year access to the most current version of Origin. If needed please contact the secretary of the F-Internship, Anke Ebert . </spoiler>

<spoiler> Master-first-semesters who've paid their semester fee but whose matriculation is still pending, because the bachelor's degree hasn't come yet for example, and who haven't gotten their PUCK because of that, can get an early semester ticket in the AStA bureau. This is valid for a maximum of 4 weeks. You have to show the AStA your confirmation of registration and a proof of pay for the semester fee. Our bureau is on the campus Neues Palais in house 6. Come on over! </spoiler>

<spoiler> The Ma-Phy-List is a mailing list, in which topics that could interest maths and physics students are in the spotlight. The list is moderated, so SPAM-Mails have little chance of getting through.

If you're signed into the list, announcements concerning events (Uni and student life) among other things.

On average, the Ma-Phy-List distributes a max. of 2 mails per week, just for approximation. So don't worry, you won't be flooded with mails… :-)

What's the adress?

How can i sign up?

To sign up for the MaPhy mailing list, go to the following page: fill out the fields following “Subscriben in Ma-Phy List”

Please note that most of the content will appear in German language since this is a list on student's behalf. Nonetheless, if you have important student's life related information, English language is welcomed, too. </spoiler>


Yes, we have a bureau. It's in the Golden Cage, also known as house 28, in Golm right next to the “Forum Physikum” on ground level.

There's a computer, a telephone, and a whole bunch of bureau material.

In case you're more into numbers:

Plan vom Campus Golm beim OSM1) </spoiler>

<spoiler> No! But it sure is convenient, since you'll find folks similar to you there.

The student council is always happy to support you with your projects. Just hit us up. </

student council is essentially the class representative of your study. It's the student self-organization of all maths and physics majors, no matter what degree, or if it's your first, second or third course.

It consists of up to 12 students and is elected once a year.

This means the sutdent council consists of people like You, who represent Your interest amongst the professors, lecturers etc, who are involved in the process of making study regulations AND who try to sweeten and organize your (and our) student life a bit, for example through first-semester consulting, the summer festival, the christmas party, the spring tour, KIP, this Mailinglist, the pinn walls, the homepage, the collection of old exams, … honestly, just a whole bunch of stuff.

We try to help with issues with your study too (for example when switching from Ba to Ma) and try to convey between students and lecturers . In this case we're kind of a student study counceling. In this informations often prove to be usel that we get first-hand through our involvement and our personal contact to professors.

The FSR is the megaphone of maths and physics majors, and with that has financialm means to our disposal!

We're not a service enterprise and in our function as a student council not employed at the university. We're not paid with money. (but often through other things :-) ) .

In order for this system to work and for maths and physics majors to continue having functioning representatives, 2 things are necessary:

  • first of all students, who are interested in participating and
  • second of all students, who take the FSR up on our offers,

solve problems with us and give us critique, suggestions and hints.

If there are any questions left: (under this adress you'll reach the current FSR) </spoiler>

<spoiler> You can reach the FSR by

  1. coming to the FSR meetings
  2. talking to somebody from the FSR in uni
  3. writing an email to

You can meet students from the FSR

  1. in the university (in Golm Haus 28 oder Haus 9)
  2. in the Rewe near campus
  3. via the Ma-Phy-List (refer to FAQ Ma-Phy-List)


<spoiler> You get elected. This is possible for any maths or physics student. If you're interested come to one of our meetings, write us an email (, or just talk to somebody from the Fsr directly. </spoiler>

<spoiler> Answer 1: Culture in Potsdam (KIP for short) has cult status!

Answer 2: Culture in Potsdam is THE event for maths majors, physics majors, and really any student at all who's tired of always studying alone. in the KiP culture and fun meet. Hardly imaginable? Broaden your imagination!

If there's KiP on the calender we meet and drive to a sightseeing place, partake in sporty activities like StandUpPaddling-Polo or riding dragon boats, playing Voleyball, go climbing, bake cookies, have fun…

You want to be a part of a KiP or at least be informed about future activities? Then sign up for the Ma-Phy-List!

You've got ideas for new KIPs? Write us an email! We're always happy about suggestions.

Here's a list of old KiPs </spoiler>

<spoiler> Regularly in irregular time intervals, that are often about a month long. You'll always be informed about the next KiP on this page or via the ma-phy-list. </spoiler>

OSM: Open Street Map
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by Sophia Dahm