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en:start [13.11.2021 01:20]
Sophia Dahm [Wiki of our "Fachschaft"]
en:start [19.12.2021 18:56]
Sophia Dahm [Vollversammlung am 9.12.21 - Rückblick auf das letzte Jahr]
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 Wir arbeiten momentan noch an mehr Informationen für Polymer Science, Data Science und Astrophysik. Durchs klicken auf euer Fach oben werdet ihr zu euren Bereichen des Instituts weitergeleitet. </WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{:uk_flagge.jpg?nolink&30|uk_flagge.jpg}} We are the representation for students who study [[https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/|Mathematics]], [[http://www.physics.uni-potsdam.de/index.php|Physics]], [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/mnfakul/studium-und-lehre/master/polymer-science|Polymer Science]], [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/cs/study/fuer-studierende/master-program-data-science|Data Science]] and [[http://www.astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de|Astrophysics]]. Write us an [[fsrmaphy@lists.astaup.de|E-Mail]] if you encounter any problems or if you have questions regarding your study.\\ Wir arbeiten momentan noch an mehr Informationen für Polymer Science, Data Science und Astrophysik. Durchs klicken auf euer Fach oben werdet ihr zu euren Bereichen des Instituts weitergeleitet. </WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{:uk_flagge.jpg?nolink&30|uk_flagge.jpg}} We are the representation for students who study [[https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/|Mathematics]], [[http://www.physics.uni-potsdam.de/index.php|Physics]], [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/mnfakul/studium-und-lehre/master/polymer-science|Polymer Science]], [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/cs/study/fuer-studierende/master-program-data-science|Data Science]] and [[http://www.astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de|Astrophysics]]. Write us an [[fsrmaphy@lists.astaup.de|E-Mail]] if you encounter any problems or if you have questions regarding your study.\\
 We are currently working on pages with more Information for Polymer Science, Data Science and Astrophysics. By clicking on your subject above you will redirected to your page. </WRAP> </WRAP> We are currently working on pages with more Information for Polymer Science, Data Science and Astrophysics. By clicking on your subject above you will redirected to your page. </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ====== Current events ====== ====== Current events ======
 +===== General Assembly on the 9.12.21 - Review of the past year  =====
 +  * Zoom Meeting-ID: 616 0751 5434 Passcode: 18954996
 +  * Here you can find our presentation slides: {{:vollversammlung_2021.pdf|vollversammlung_2021.pdf}}
 ===== Information for 5th Semester Students of B.Sc. Physics ===== ===== Information for 5th Semester Students of B.Sc. Physics =====
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 [[:nachruf_prof_tarkhanov|Here is the link to the obituary(in german).]] [[:nachruf_prof_tarkhanov|Here is the link to the obituary(in german).]]
 ===== Most important information about the Corona Virus ===== ===== Most important information about the Corona Virus =====
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 **Where do i find current information(site also available in english)?** **Where do i find current information(site also available in english)?**
-   * [[https://www.potsdam.de/kategorie/allgemeine-informationen|Infos of the city Potsdam]]+  * [[https://www.potsdam.de/kategorie/allgemeine-informationen|Infos of the city Potsdam]]
   * [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/studium/corona|Infos of the University Potsdam]]   * [[https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/studium/corona|Infos of the University Potsdam]]
   * [[https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV.html|Infos of the Robert Koch Institute]]   * [[https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV.html|Infos of the Robert Koch Institute]]
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by Sophia Dahm